Once in the App, at the bottom of the screen, you will see the navigation menu with the following 3 buttons

Taping on Home will take you to My activity. The first thing you will see is your progression during the last few days. Each bar represents 1 day and below each bar, you can see what specific day it is referring to (i.e., “6/6 Sun” represents Sunday 6th June)
- A full bar indicates you have done all the recommended tasks
- A semi-full bar indicates you have done some of the tasks
- An Empty bar indicates you haven’t done any task

When tapping on the different dates, you will be able to see the tasks assigned for each date. You will know what the current day is when you tap on it as it will be displayed as Today

Completed tasks will be framed in green and will display a green check

Pending tasks will not display any frame or check

By tapping on Weekly schedule, you will see an overview of your prehab programme for the week including all the tasks recommended on each day

You can tap on Learning to see different learning resources and articles

Also, if you tap on Me you will see your personal profile